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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Mesothelioma - The Largest Man Made Epidemic

It is documented that Australia had the highest per capita use of asbestos in the world from the 1950's until the 1970's. As a tragic consequence, Australia now has the highest per capita incidence of mesothelioma in the world. With more than 500 Australians contracting mesothelioma per year, it is estimated that up to 18,000 Australians will die from this asbestos related cancer by the year 2020.

Despite the growing awareness of the dangers of asbestos, there are many people who have not heard of Mesothelioma. This asbestos related cancer is defined as: a malignant spreading tumor of the mesothelium of the pleura, pericardium, or peritoneum, arising form the inhalation of asbestos fibers.

One of the most baffling and frightening known facts concerning Mesothelioma is that many years may pass, between inhalation of asbestos dust and its deadly legacy of disease; it is not uncommon for four decades or more to pass before symptoms due to asbestos dust inhalation become apparent.
Asbestos disease Association member's world wide are working tirelessly and fighting almost insurmountable odds to ban asbestos from all countries of the world. It is a sobering and frightening fact, that even if we were successful today in this quest, the legacy of asbestos related diseases will continue for five decades.

Add your voice to the many who want this killer product erased from the worlds environments ? Add your voice to the call that pleads for adequate compensation for victims and their families. Sign the online petition at Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization:

The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) continues to raise public awareness about the dangers of asbestos exposure and the incurable and often deadly asbestos related diseases. ADAO is quickly expanding and uniting veterans, fire-fighters, shipbuilders, teachers and thousands of other innocent people around the world. Asbestos Awareness leads to education, prevention, new treatments and ultimately a cure.


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